Top Five: Operating System Companies

Bienvenidos to the first Top Five article! This will be a monthly feature. The topic for this month is the top five companies in the operating system (OS) arena.

This list is made from a variety of factors.  The factors include: market share of an OS market, the type of OS market (mobile, tablet, netbook, desktop/notebook), total assets of the company, and percentage of the company devoted to the development of an OS. So, in sum, I'm pretty much pulling stuff out the air, but it works.

Here the list of the top five companies in the OS arena with a World War II twist:

**drum roll**

1) Microsoft in 2011 as the United Kingdom (UK) in 1944.  The UK was the world leader, starting in 1588 when they demolished the Spanish Armada.  The UK would go on to spread its seed around the world (Africa, North America, India). But by the end of World War II in 1944, they're about to lose one of their biggest colonies, India. Much like Microsoft, the glory days have come and gone for the UK.  For Microsoft, the descend from the top has begun.
2) Apple in 2011 as the United States in 1944.  The United States had already staked its claim as a world power back in World War I, much like Apple did with their first Macintosh computers.  Charismatic leaders, like FDR and Steve Jobs led their people from horrible times (the Great Depression and Microsoft b-slap Apple took in the 1990's).  The Apple OS polish lures the masses as does America's "democracy", but beneath their veils is something not entirely pure...  Bottom-line, don't mess with their s*#t or they'll come after you, just ask Jason Chen of Gizmodo or Julian Assange.

 3) Google in 2011 as the Soviet Union in 1944.  The Soviet Union started off with the idea of communism, which is actually not bad.  But by World War II we see what happens when good political ideas get mixed with human nature and power.  Stalin had perverted communism into a totalitarian state.  Google is an open source champion, but soon Larry and Sergey will leave and a Stalin like figure will come forth. Cracks are starting to show for Google.  They are forcing Facebook, Twitter, Amazon MP3, and Goggles onto their Android OS.  Users can't delete these Apps without rooting their phones, shame on you Google.  The Google Buzz fiasco, the Verizon-Google net neutrality proposal (**cough**), etc...

4) RIM in 2011 as Germany in 1944.  Germany was never the biggest fish in the sea.  However, for a while Germany looked unstoppable, much like Research in Motion (RIM) did with their Blackberries.  Now RIM (Germany) is being attacked on three fronts by Microsoft (United Kingdom), Apple (USA), and Google (Soviet Union).

5)  Nokia in 2011 as the French in 1944.  Much like the French, Nokia decided to sit this battle out, through their snobby refusal to ally with Android.
How will the OS market look five years from now? Just look at how their parallel World War II countries are doing now, but maybe instead of the Soviet Union you use China for Google.


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