Technology Review- Top 50 Most Innovative Companies 2011

For the March/April 2011 issue, Technology Review did a piece on the top 50 most innovative companies of 2011. Innovation can be tricky to define. But let us not battle like nerds over the minutia. To prevent trolls* from blasting a Time of the Tech produced list, we give you the top fifty innovative companies of 2011 list from Technology Review, MIT's world famous magazine:

  • A123 Systems
  • Akamai
  • Amyris
  • Apple
  • Applied Materials
  • ARM Holdings
  • Complete Genomics
  • First Solar
  • Geron
  • Goldwind Science and Technology
  • Google
  • HTC
  • IBM
  • iRobot
  • Life Technologies
  • Netflix
  • Nissan
  • Novartis
  • Pacific Biosciences
  • Roche
  • Siemens
  • Suntech
  • Toyota
  • Private Companies
  • American Superconductor
  • BIND Biosciences
  • BrightSource Energy
  • Calxeda
  • Cellular Dynamics International
  • Claros Diagnostics
  • Cotendo
  • Crowdcast
  • eSolar
  • Facebook
  • Groupon
  • Joule Unlimited
  • Lattice Power
  • Layar
  • Lyric Semiconductor
  • Novomer
  • PrimeSense
  • Serious Materials
  • Silver Spring Networks
  • SpaceX
  • Square
  • Synthetic Genomics
  • 1366 Technologies
  • Twitter
  • Ushahidi
  • Zynga
Sorry for the format of the long list. As expected, many of these companies are written about in our blog. One omission that does not puzzle me, but might puzzle others, is the omission of  Microsoft. While Microsoft does have innovative products like Xbox Live and Xbox Kinect, its portfolio is filled with the "status quo" (i.e., Windows, Office). Microsoft Windows and Office were innovative, back in the 1990's, too bad it's 2012. While Microsoft Windows and Office are great, that is not sufficient to say they are innovative.  And if Microsoft wants to be around ten years from today, they have to start innovating.

For the full article from Technology Review, "cliky here".

*Time of the Tech is still waiting for its first trolls.


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